سنتعرف في هذه المحاضرة على الأسباب التي تمنعنا من الاستمرار ، وطرق التعامل معها وتكوين عادات بسيطة تساعدنا في الاستمرار وتزيد من مستوى الإنجاز.
We all know that persistence is one of the most important means of success
By continuing, we can continue our successes and achievements
I researched a lot, why can we continue and why can't we?
What are the reasons for not continuing and the reasons for continuing
I read and applied methods to continue
Some succeeded and some failed
But I discovered very beautiful secrets that made me continue and achieve many things and goals
I also learned about the reasons that make me not continue and change my goal!
So I decided to share these secrets with you through
Meeting the secrets of continuity
Continuation Secrets Meeting, which is a meeting in the field of self-development
Its duration does not exceed an hour and a half, and it is one of the monthly meetings of the Journey of Change
Through this meeting you will learn about:
You will be able to apply the methods of continuity that suit you and adopt them as your habit.
امل الفهمي
Asma Alshaikh
نوف فلاته
هاجر أحمد
ناصر الحنيف