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May meeting... weekly and daily planning

Clear planning is the basis of success and achievement!
In order to achieve and live a better quality of life, you need to plan your day!

The previous period of my life, I was busy 24 hours a day, and there was no time for myself or rest. All my time was occupied with my work, and in the end, achievement was very reduced, and my psychological state was stressed all the time!

I later discovered that all of this feeling I was feeling was due to the lack of clarity in my daily tasks!

You will then learn how I can plan for the month, week and day

I noticed the impact of this planning on my life, and I began to live a life that resembled me, between completing and managing several businesses and projects, and my comfort, enjoyment, psychological well-being, and high energy.. Praise be to God

All these details you can live in your life as I could

You just need to learn the skill of planning that is appropriate for you, your day, and your week

Because the benefit of weekly and daily planning is profound, I wanted to share this meeting with you so that you can apply this habit practically in your life

In this meeting you will learn about:

  • Benefits of daily planning.
  • Benefits of weekly planning.
  • Why and how do you plan your week?
  • Why and how do you plan your day?
  • How do you choose the right layout for you?
  • How do you implement your planning?

After this meeting, you will be able to plan your day and week in a way that suits you, easily and simply, and improves your quality of life

The meeting is live via Zoom

Saturday, May 27

From 7pm to 8pm

There will be an additional half hour for questions and discussion.

Take a step towards success in your life through the habit of planning and improve the quality of your life.

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2 minutes ago


3 weeks ago

هناء عزيز العقيلي

جميل جدا
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إيمان عبدالرحمن النعيمي

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farah abdullah

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جزاك الله خير يا براءه مرررة ساعدتيني عرفت ايش غلط عدم اكمال والتزام خططي ليومي. المحاضرة واضحة وبسيطة وتصل بسرعة المعلومة شكرا لك.
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جنان الذهلية

استمتعت معكم جدًا 🤩🤩💗💗..وحبيت مرة طريقتك بإلقاء الدورة دائمًا تحاولي تبسطين لنا ..شكرًا لك 💗💗🙌🏻
1 year ago

اشتركت فيها بوقت انا احتاجها عجزت اخطط وانتج وافشل بس ماستسلمت بالصدفة طلعت الدورة دي قدام عيني وسجلت فيها من غير ماافكر دونت كل شي وبأذن الله مع التطبيق راح اشوف النتائج الجميلة ممتنة لك كثير الله يسعدك 🤍🤍🤍